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Tickets for Villa Rotunda interior tour

Hello! My husband and I are going to Italy in May and since he is an architect, touring the Villa Rotunda is a must for him. I know that interior tours are only offered on Wednesdays, but does anyone know if i need to purchase these tickets in advance? I am afraid that we will show up on Wednesday and they will have sold out. Thank you!!!

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4105 posts

If you're going to Ville Rotunda, please make sure you also visit the magical city of Vicenza. By far one of the most beautiful cities in all of Italy. A UNESCO site. It's an hour by train from Venice. As you leave the train station follow Viale Roma right to the old city gates. If your husband is a fan of Palladio, he would also be interested in the Center for International Studies of Architecture of Andrea Palladio. Fantastic Museum!
Try to stay for a stroll of the city at nite, you won't regret it.

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791 posts

I'm pretty sure you can just get them same day but there is a tourist info shop on the Piazza Signore, you can probably buy in advance there. I'll ask around here and see if I can get a definite answer for you. The poster above is right, your husband should definitely spend some time exploring downtown Vicenza, it's like a living museum to Palladio. There are several of his villas in the surrounding towns as well. In fact, the town I live in, Caldogno, is home to the first villa Palladio ever designed (it's used as the town library now). The next town over, Dueville, has two amazing villas as well (hence the name Dueville).

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2 posts

Gerri and Rik, Thank you so much for your information. We are staying for a night in Vicenza, after coming from Venice. My husband is going to be so excited to hear about the museum as well as the other villas. Rik--if you could verify if it is ok to wait until the day of to buy tickets to Villa Rotunda, that would be great. Thank you both so much!!

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1201 posts

THe historical center of Vicenza is rich in Palladio works from early to later in his career. Just wandering around is a joy and there are a few spots to eat as well. You should also take the time to see Teatro Olympico in the downtown area. Palladio's last work. There are several villas in the area but not all are open for visitors or are open only on Saturdays. If you have a car and the time, the Villa Barbaro in Maser is another interesting site. Palladio not only designed the buildings but the layout of the entire estate. Nearby Asolo is also another lovely destination. Here's a link for some info on Palladio sites: