Hi For the last couple of weeks we have been trying to call +39 02 92800360 from India to book the tickets for the Last Supper. We get a recorded message in Italian and then the line gets disconnected.Has the no changed? Are there any other numbers? How do we get an English version?
My 2009 guide book gives the number +39 02 8942 1146. You can always book a tour and get in as we had to do at www.lastsuppertickets.com. Its a good 3 hour tour with the final half hour viewing the Last Supper. Starts at 2 pm, ends at 5 pm. Includes tour of Duomo, Castello Sforza, a cafe break. Very good young guide. Coming from India, that might be a good idea, then you have a guaranteed slot.
I had the same experience, so after trying for a few days I went on line and purchased the tickets without a problem.i hope that works for you!
Are you dialing 011 first?
Dear All:
Thanks 4 ur response. Finally I have succeeded in booking my ticket by calling up +39-02-92800360 this morning at 08:00 (Italian Standard Time). It cost me eight euros per ticket. Surya