My wife and I will be spending a week in Venice during one of my school vacations, which are February 16-23 or March 23-30. The weather in March will likely be better but that week takes us up to Easter, when it could be pretty crowded.
Any thoughts from those of you with experience in Venice during either of these times? We have both been before but not recently, not together and not during either of these times.
Well, Carnivale ends on Feb 12 next year so you might have a little spillover and some of the hotels might still have increased rates. And yes, the weather will probably be colder. Given a choice I'd probably go with March. Venice doesn't get the same amount of tourists for Easter as say, Rome, so you'll probably be ok. Just remember that March can sometimes be brutal weather wise in this area as well, rainy and windy.
Been to Venice lots of times and even been there in March. Being there in the off season is about 1000 times better than the hot humid tourist saturated summer.
I would go in March, Feb IS cold and wet, March MIGHT be cold and wet. lol OF course no one can gurantee the weather but seriuosly don't think the crowds will be an issue till April going to May. I've been in July and August and yes, its crowded, but its not that bad.. so I imagine anyother time of year would be really nice.
I was in venice march 16-18, 2012 and I did not feel the crowds at all. The weather was very nice and hotel rates were good. Please whenever you go, buy some of the tickets before you go. I highly recommend the secret itineraries tour at doge's palace.