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This is just an observation, but mostly a complement about this list

We just returned from 2 amazing weeks in Italy and this forum in particular, along with Rick Steves guide books and his videos are amazing resources. So thanks to everyone on this forum that provide answers with such detailed and precise and up to date information. After doing my own research, if I ever have any questions, I have always gotten excellent advice here and I am always grateful. I've also always tried to return the favor, by offering advice to questions that I feel I can contribute to.

That being said, I am amazed at some of the questions on this list that appear to be asked before the questioner appears to do any research or homework before asking. Beyond that, some of the questions appear to be so general in nature and so vague - or so far off in the future - or lacking any kind of context that they seem almost funny that they are being asked. Even if being asked by first time travelers.

However, I am also amazed that you guys actually answer the most vaguest questions with such detail, offering lots of specific information. It's really incredible how generous and patient you are in doing so. You also must be mindreaders.

Just glancing at the list on any particular day, there seem to be so many vague questions, that appear to show little or no research before they are asked. So, without singling out any specific queries out, here are some examples of questions:

  • wanting information on "nice hotels" or where to look for them - without defining nice, or budget or any information giving any clue.
    • asking about must see attractions in a particular city - without saying what interests the questioner has.
    • asking what section of a city to stay in - but relative to what ?
    • asking what time to get to the airport - when every airline will give you that information.
    • where to eat - without listing budget or dietary preferences, or type of restaurant, - for a visit that is months away.
    • queries about itineraries or looking for approval- many seem so precise and planned with such military precision that seem to leave no spare time to explore and go off script.

Again, I have asked my fair share of questions here, and I am grateful for the answers I receive.
I just feel that as travelers, part of the fun is doing some research on our own, or at least have some general sense of know what you want.
You guys are so knowledgeable, I just think it would be helpful if questioners would provide some context or background information where appropriate, or take some time to consider the question before it's posted. Again, this list is wonderful, I think it would be more so with some research and consideration by the questioner.

To all that answer these questions, you guys are amazing. I admire your patience in answering everything that's asked here.

Out of curiousity, I looked and there is nothing in the community guidelines that help in defining questions to get the most useful answers. Just curious what you guys think.

Okay, you want my opinion. I say let the questions fly in all directions no matter how vague, random, or well constructed. Asking questions on this site is a great way to start the process of traveling and research.
Those of us who write responses love our own views and sharing our knowledge or lack there- of with others. I enjoy the occasional witty/snarky response. Overall, this group has a good sense of humour and apparently, not much else to do with our time until the next trip. Maybe we should all meet in a pub one day and admit to our compulsive luggage and chatting issues.

Posted by
335 posts

You must have a lot of time on your hands picking on other travelers because they do not conform to your idea of asking the proper question. I like most questions and the ones I don't I skip over. Most people will know what attractions are interesting but maybe the traveler wants to find that special one another traveler has found? Like a secret spot, secret restaurant or whatever. As to what section of the city? How does one know? Asking questions does no harm and I have answered silly ones and asked silly ones as well. In the end we are all travelers exchanging ideas and tips. Last time I checked this was a friendly forum. Maybe you should create your own forum...good lucky with that.

Posted by
7737 posts

I find it ironic that you're being criticized for the way you asked your question about the way people ask questions. The simple answer is that, usually, people want to be helpful to other people, especially those who come to a travel forum.

Posted by
388 posts

Borntorun, I hope you have thick skin! I'm sure so many of us have noticed the same thing, and, as you said, people on this forum are just amazing when it comes to taking their time to answer, in great detail sometimes, questions that are sincerely asked in good faith. We have learned so much (and used the information) from the many forum participants. I think it's interesting that you've taken the time to write about's an observation about the human experience...offered as just that by you. I made what I thought was a positive post about gratitude months ago and was amazed at the turn the thread took. Some on this forum rush to criticize, and I'm always taken by surprise at their postings.

Posted by
27 posts

Again, I posted this mainly as a thank you for all the advice you guys give. I just noticed that one of the responders here has 6739 posts - that to me is incredible and generous and admirable. I also realize how exciting it is to travel and share experiences and I also understand that the process of learning and inquiry has to start somewhere.

Clearly you guys answer practically every question posted here. My only observation was that because you are so knowledgeable - the more context that could be provided in the question would benefit the questioner - and you guys that respond.

Posted by
3527 posts

Borntorun - Have you been posting questions and responses with a different user name? It looks like this is your first post using "borntorun".

Posted by
15250 posts

There are questions I gladly answer, provide the OP with the info I know or the experience I've had; it makes no difference to me if the OP has done his/her homework prior to putting up a legitimate or even a silly question. Sometimes it is pretty obvious that the OP has done no research at all in my estimation as I can tell from the question. Big deal. I don't care and I'll choose to answer it if I can. Or, even if I can, I won't answer it...just depends. . If I want to or am able to answer a silly question accurately, all the better for the OP. I won't answer those on Italy per se, it's not my expertise nor interest area, and I won't presume. On where to stay in cities I know something about or am well acquainted, ie, backwards and forwards, or various cuisines, or sites to visit in a given city, or which cities/towns to go, I'll gladly offer advice, recommendations, alternatives, etc. The OP can receive them well or safely disregard them.

Posted by
8293 posts

Donnybee, May I suggest that you break up your lengthy posts into paragraphs so as to make them easier to read? I'm afraid I give up before I am half way through. My eyes get stubborn.

Posted by
9436 posts

Agree with Norma. I skip super long posts that are not broken up into paragraphs.

borntorun, your original post was very thoughtful and gracious, and very nice of you to say thank you. Ignore the criticism. Many of us agree with you. Many of us who have been here a long time, skip the repetitive, unresearched questions.

Posted by
9436 posts

Long posts that are not broken up into paragraphs as Norma said, and that I said I agree with. I will edit my post.

Posted by
1322 posts

Fact is, some people have no idea what questions to ask, and I understand that completely. It's like being at a party, and someone says "I've never been to Italy, and I'm thinking of going there". No specific question, just drifting out an idea.

And then when the idea crystalises itself, the more specific questions kick in, like whee and where to go, how to get there and get around. Then real tight details, like wi-fi access, train times.

I always think the response "get yourself a guide book" is really rude and dismissive because until you have asked a few questions, you don't know what to ask. Which is why my pesent question about visiting Sicily is so vague, as I know little about Sicily. By contrast, if I am asking about say, bus routes around Venice, my question will be really detailed, as I know Venice like the back of my hand.

Posted by
27 posts

Thanks Susan. You guys are saints in answering all the questions and queries as you do, and my thanks were sincere. I guess I was only trying to say that the better the question is (with information so you can provide even better answers) the more informative all of your responses can be.

I have been a new traveler. We all have been. My other point was that it would seem that those posing the questions should perhaps do a bit more homework and/or provide you guys with more detail. Although many times your responses do ask for more information, so you can better answer the questions.

Also, the answer to many of the "basic" questions can already be found, since many have been answered previously. So, again, my point is that if those asking the questions even check and do a search, they would find many of their answers, and perhaps ask more specific questions given their interests.

Again, I think part of the fun in travelling is doing the research before hand -or at least being a bit more specific or giving some context to the questions. In the spirit of it would give you guys more to work with in providing answers. Of course anyone can ask whatever they want, and all of you can answer every question that comes up - as you do. Lastly, my purpose of the post was to thank all you guys.

Posted by
16904 posts

I always think the response "get yourself a guide book" is really rude
and dismissive because until you have asked a few questions, you don't
know what to ask.

Peter, I'll disagree with that unless it is all that a responder has to say? Explaining the value of a good guidebook, not only to have during but before a trip as well, is not much different than weighing in on what clothes to take or luggage to buy? Making the suggestion is usually meant to be helpful versus blow off the question.

Then again, I grew up with parents who answered "What does that mean?" questions with "Go look it up." The dictionary is still my friend. HA!

I do understand what you mean about not knowing exactly which questions to ask, though.

Posted by
2509 posts

I often find myself responding to vague posts by asking "How long will you be there?" "What are your interests?" and the like, or pointing out websites they can find info on, or suggesting re-posting in a different part of the forum, which I hope helps new folks "travel" the unfamiliar forum more effectively.

Posted by
1878 posts

I don't usually respond to questions that could obviously be answered by the most cursory examination of a guidebook, but I don't jump on someone for asking their question. In general one of the worst dynamics on this board, which has decreased a lot with better moderation over the past year or two, is the tendency to to criticize others for their question. Or, to jump on others who respond to a post because it violates some principle of the one doing the jumping. Mostly I think it's pretty civil here these days, which is very welcome. One pet peeve I do have is when folks post a query with a vague subject header ("Travel Advice") that make it impossible to determine whether I can help without clicking through and reading the whole post. That's a small thing though. Mostly I try and bear in mind that a lot of these posts are from newbies and I was once one too.

Posted by
5564 posts

I am happy to answer and share my experiences, but there is a recent trend here (and on other sites) along a certain line of questioning that grates. "I am going to __________ and I want to cover all the must-sees. Plan an itinerary for me."

No "please," and when an answer isn't given within 2 hours, there is often a rude follow up from the OP asking where the itinerary is. I think that some do not understand the concept of a forum when posting. What then blows my mind is that sometimes people will actually put an itinerary together for these folks.

Posted by
11892 posts

Kathy, you took the words right out of my mouth regarding suggesting people read a book. I do not find it rude to suggest people have a resource not only to plan but while on-the-road. I see posts asking the simplest "How do I get from X to Y?" when such directions are easily followed in Rick's guides (if the cities are covered, of course).

Emily, I agree on the "must sees" questions. How can you decide to go to Paris for 4 days and not have any idea what you should see or do?

Borntorun, as to your post, I attribute the sort of questions you list to a bit of laziness and desire to have things done for them. Maybe a generational thing? People seeking easy answers instead of experiencing the fun of reading and planning for a trip. I would much rather have someone lay out an itinerary with military precision than say " tell me what to do for 8 days in Italy."

As others have said, it is easy enough to pass over questions you do not feel like answering. Better to be silent than snarky sometimes (although some people do snarky so well!), overall this forum has a lot of really nice people participating.

Posted by
11613 posts

I think sometimes people think the Internet is the only resource in the world, and reading a BOOK (let alone figuring out where to get one) just doesn't occur to them.

My trepidation about responding to "Just tell me what to do" questions is, I can send you on my trip, but wouldn't you prefer to spend your time and money on your own?

Posted by
15806 posts

C'mon, guys. Stop the whining. If you start to read a question and you don't like it, just move on. If you want to be helpful, join the thread. You are under no obligation here.

Okay, I'm moving on now.

Posted by
5564 posts

Oh Chani, a little whining in good company is sometimes exactly what is needed :).

Posted by
16904 posts

My trepidation about responding to "Just tell me what to do" questions
is, I can send you on my trip, but wouldn't you prefer to spend your
time and money on your own?

Bingo, Zoe. That's the best reason for suggesting additional tools, IMHO. The trip my husband I would take may not be fun at all for someone with completely different interests? Besides, a book usually covers a lot of the critical 'W' info: what it's all about, why that is important, where it is, when it's open/closed, who built/lived in/is buried there, etc.

Posted by
2142 posts

I truly enjoy this forum. The folks here are nice, informative and only snarky when necessary. I mean, some people do need a little kick upside the head sometimes... :)

What I have learned here helped immensely in planning independent travel for myself and my wife over two trips to Europe, focusing on Italy. But before I posed my initial questions on this forum nearly seven years ago, I did read these threads for months, watched Rick's (and others) videos, and yes, checked the occasional book from the library, even older ones that gave me historical perspective. Why? Because I wanted to pose intelligent questions in order to garner cogent, experienced opinions in return from folks that have been there, done that.

But I do remember how naive & hesitant I was before I delved via research into the possibility of European travel without being part of a tour, because I knew upfront that someone telling me what to do, where I had to be was not for me, especially if I was paying for it. And, then I did not realize, in true 'ugly American' fashion, that there were some countries that indeed 'do it better' than the old U.S. of A, train travel being one of them. A pleasure and a lot of fun, especially when packing light. Goin' mobile without the hassles...

I don't respond to every vague question about planning an itinerary, because in reality, how does one do that?! Everyone's goals are different. So I don't try to say, ah, Venice, Florence, Rome, here's how you do it--because there's so much more. I do commend Rick for pointing out some hidden gems in Italy, good thing only a mere few of them have become 'unhidden' because of the publicity, and just during high season. But Rick brought me around to the thinking of off-season travel, which has been a great boon to my enjoyment of the country. People should try it more, to think outside the box a little.

When I do give advice, I routinely close with 'enjoy your planning!' because actually doing the research & the booking, and then having those plans take place successfully, is an incomparable thrill.

Enjoy your planning (with the help of the folks on this forum!!) !

Posted by
359 posts

It's true. We are awesome!

(ow! quit hitting me! It's a joke!)