Oddly enough, I have my honeymoon itinerary planned out more thoroughly for the sight seeing than I do for the restaurants. Well, I should amend that to: "I feel more CONFIDENT in the sight seeing part of the itinerary." It's just so hard choosing where to eat in Rome!
My current plan (dinner only) is like this, and I would welcome some recommendations or changes if anyone has them:
DAY 1 (Sunday): Many restaurants are closed Sunday, it seems, including Gabriello, alla Rampa, Matricianella, etc. As for what remains, I wanted something fairly close to the hotel (Spanish Steps area), as well as modern and "trendy" to offset the ancient sites and churches we are seeing on our first day (for my wife, mainly, who isn't quite the history and art lover that I am). So, as of now, the choice is...
Osteria Gusto. I realize that the reviews for Gusto are all over the map, but I have heard better things about the Osteria than the Ristorante, and the whole atmosphere seems right up my wife's alley. Open to suggestions though...
DAY 2 (Monday): Tonight it could be anything, really. For a long time I was obsessed with going to Matricianella, but I've heard a lot of rumors about incredibly rude service and plummeting food quality over the last few years. It is still a possibility though.
I've also heard mixed things about Ristorante il Gabriello. Rick Steves loves it, and many others have said it's amazing. Of course, I've also heard the reviews that claim it seems to cater to tourists and one can dine much better elsewhere in Rome.
Anyway, for this night I was considering Matricianella, Gabriello, or alla Rampa. However, I am open to just about any good suggestion. Something a bit further afield, perhaps?