We are leaving for Italy soon (like this weekend) and are getting somewhat bothered by all the rain that seems to be falling & predicted to be falling in Rome and Siena (the 2 locations I've been checking). Does anyone know if its actually raining that much and that steadily? And for those of you with crystal balls - is likely to continue. chip
wauconda, Il
You do have high expectations of this site. My crystal ball says that next week will be close to near perfect. After all you will be in Rome. It is Spring time so you expect spring showers. They will be in infrequent and short.
Can't fool with Mother Nature but don't let the rain put a damper on your trip. Simply take a light weight rain jacket and go with the flow (no pun intended). Nothing you can do but hope the forecasts are incorrect and the rain falls elsewhere.
Yes it is raining, Chip. Its okay. More time to be inside with the Italians and really see what happens. I've been in Rome, Siena and Florence and it's not too bad. Really.