Which non-touristy restaurants have the best gnocchi in Rome?
Here are two restaurants known for their gnocchi that I've come up with, in researching for my upcoming trip to Rome. Note that Thursday is traditionally gnocchi day. Arcangelo, via Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli 59 Settimio Al Pellegrino, via del Pellegrino 117 Enjoy!
There is a restaurant in a small Piazza, San Lorenzo in Lucina that has great gnocchi (and ravioli). It is the only restaurant in the piazza with outdoor seating which stays busy with the locals.If you have a decent map you can find it easily. The location is near the intersection of Via Corso and Via Condotti and the street that runs into the piazza is Via Frattina. Our most recent meal in Rome was at Cul-de-Sac and it was a great lunch but I do not remember seeing gnocchi on the menu.
Susan's description sounds like Bar Ciampini which gets some mixed reviews on TripAdvisor.
Food blogs are excellent resources for such questions as yours. http://foodloversodyssey.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/01/roman-pasta-dishes-and-10-places-to-eat-them-in-rome.html