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Tenitalia MINI fare reservation...last name I fix it?

I just reserved 3 tickets from Florence to Naples on a MINI fare for myself, my son, and his girlfriend. The confirmation page listed all 3 tickets with the correct first names, but did not list the girlfriend's last name and used mine instead. Do I bother to fix this, or will the conductor just look at the PNR code for 3 people to check us in? I looked at the Trenitalia website and didn't see an edit option. It had a link to delete or add a person to a reservation, but I'm afraid if I delete her that I might not be able to add her back without changing the fare price. Any experience with a mistake like this? I know I put her last name in the reservation correctly, but I think the website just used my surname automatically since I was first on the reservation.

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7737 posts

I wouldn't sweat it. It's not like Homeland Security. If pressed, you could always point at them and say "appena sposati" (ah-PEN-ah spoh-ZAH-tee). It means "just married". (You get bonus points for creativity in Italy.) Happy travels.

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23727 posts

In all of our travels sometimes with two sons and sometimes a girl friend or two, all the conductors wants to see is the correct number of tickets. No one has every checked names.

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833 posts

All I needed was a PNR code, the conductor never checked any names. It is very unlikely they would check IDs. I don't think you should have a problem!

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2207 posts

The only name you have to worry about is the name you purchased the tickets under... this is only "necessary" if you need to make changes to your tickets. Otherwise, as mentioned, it really does not matter. Unlike some other European train systems, Trenitalia (currently) does not verify your identity on the trains, just your PNR code. For more info on riding the trains "ticketless", see this post.