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Teenagers in Florence

I have 2 teens that are not thrilled about the prospect of "doing museums" all day. Any suggestions as to what we can do in Florence, or is that all there really is to do there?
Pardon my ignorance; it's our first trip there and I know the Davis is there, but is there anything else to see that would grab my kids' attention? They are excited about Rome and the Vatican and the Colossium, etc., but I just don't know if Florence is the best choice to follow that with. Everyone says "Florence is a must!", but I HAVE TEENAGERS! Help!!
And thanks...again!

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29 posts

I spent alot of time in Florence a couple summers ago when I was 21 so obviously not a teenager but i really was not intersted in spending all day in museums either. There is SO MUCH more to do in Florence and I wouldn't advise skipping it. Taking the bus up to the Piazza Michelangelo and watching the sunset is one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen. I think I would have really liked this even as a teenager. Also walking along the Ponte Vecchio and looking into all the gold and jewelry stores is something they might like. I know this is often condemned as somehting only "stupid Americans" do in Florence but we were in and out of the Accademia in no time just so we saw the David. Florence is full of churches and good restaurants and beautiful views, much more than museums.

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29 posts

One last thing, in addition to going to the top of the Duomo the hike up the belltower next to it gives very nice views and is alot of fun if your up for climbing all those stairs :-)

on the other hand if none of those things seem to interest your teenagers, maybe they would be more interested in San Gimingano (sorry I know i spelled that wrong) or a place like that where the focus really is not museum related at all.

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9145 posts

Have them look up some alternative things to see or do in Florence. Have them find their own places of interest. If they find it themselves, they will be excited about it and want to do it.

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5 posts

Here is my approach with a teenager: 1) research the area and see if you can find a street market or flea market- teenagers love to shop and absorb the local atmosphere. 2) hand them the Rick Steve's book (or another guide book) and at their leisure- mark the sites that interest them- you might be surprised at what catches their eye- we did this recently for a 3 day blitz through Paris- and our daughter picked some sites that I had not thought of before. 3) remain flexible- and don't be afraid to give your teenager a little freedom to explore on their own with safe limits

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800 posts

Deborah - hopefully someone can give you some good ideas about Florence but just wanted to add that, depending on your itinerary, you might want to consider some non-city touring for your teens as well. I know there are companies that will do day bike tours around Florence - this is something that we always enjoy. My teens also enjoyed seeing many of the smaller towns in Tuscany and we stayed at a agriturismo oustide of the city that allowed us to still do 1/2 day visits to Florence and then relax by the pool for the afternoon before heading out for dinner.

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4 posts

Hi Deborah,

As I'm sure you've heard, you can climb to the top of the Duomo in Florence. This is alot of fun for all ages and the views at the top are amazing. I bet your teenagers would enjoy this. Also, do they like to shop at all? Florence is great for shopping, there are lots of stores that are fun to look in even if shopping is not in the budget. There is also a very large outdoor market there where they sell everything you can think of- scarves, t shirts, belts, purses, etc.

To be completely honest, I heard that Florence was a must and did visit there on my first trip to Italy. While I did enjoy it, the thing I enjoyed most was a wine tour we did which was outside of Florence itself. If you're having trouble finding things that appeal to you and your travel companions, maybe you want to consider skipping it?

Hope this helps!


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8 posts

Thanks to you all so much! Those are great ideas. I especially like the one about the bike rides outside of the city. My daughter is stoked about the shopping already.
Grazie! Deborah

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6898 posts

A teenage daughter in the home of Ferragamo! Are you kidding? It's the shoes. There is a great shopping area a bit north of the Ponte Vecchio. Some world-class stores. She can browse with the chic Italian girls. Bring your wallet.

If they are old enough, put them on the Grayline bus tour of San Gimignano and Siena (or, go with them). 52Euro each. A guided tour is part of the trip in Siena. Two beautiful Tuscan hill towns in one day.