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Taxis from La Spezia to Monterosso?

My family is supposed to travel from Florence to Monterosso on Sunday, 5/19 - currently showing as a strike day on TrenItalia that will start at 3am and last through the next day, 2am. I have found a couple bus options that can get us to La Spezia, but we'd need a taxi to complete the trip. Does anyone have experience with taxis in La Spezia? We'd be looking at trying to hire one around 8p on a Sunday night. We'd really rather not rent a car if we can avoid it since we head next to Rome and again, planning to go by train. Tx.

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42 posts

That would have been a great idea, but it looks like the last ferry from La Spezia is a little before 2p. We won't get there until after 7:30 pm.

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1817 posts

Current listing is 90 Euro for Monterosso:
The white vans in this Google Street View of La Spezia Centrale station are from Radio Taxi La Spezia:,9.8138822,3a,75y,29.45h,83.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz056ZIX8o5ielMIkWNm_nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
FWIW, Italian law requires the union to give notice of a strike, but most of the strikes don't happen. Even in a strike some trains will still run as there's a requirement that 'essential services' be maintained.

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8282 posts

I would be surprised if the La Spezia to Monterosso regional train would be affected by the strike, if one were to occur, since that is about the only option to those towns. The intercity and fast trains on that line may see disruptions but the regional train is handier.

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42 posts

I hope you are both right, but I want to know my options should we get caught up in it. I did chat with TrenITalia and they said 'it is too soon to know....' So, I will check back in early May.

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2 posts

Hi Kmh1

My daughter and I are supposed to travel from Florence to Riomaggiore on May 19 as well, stopping in Pisa for a few hours. Please let me know if you find out a definite answer about the trains running.