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Taxi Stand - Piazza Navona & Rome

I haven't found this question and it may be obvious ...but want to ask you all. We have an early tour at Vatican 8a. We are staying near Piazza Navona where there is a conveniently located taxi stand. My question is ...are taxi's readily available say at 7a? Or do I need to schedule ahead of time?

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23727 posts

You should be OK. However, if you schedule or call a taxi the meter starts when they get the call. That means that the taxi would arrive with a couple of euro on the meter. It is NOT a rip off.

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7546 posts

Are you staying in a hotel? If so- just ask them to call for a taxi- it will arrive quickly, we've never waited more than few minutes.

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16369 posts

I'm sure there will be taxi cabs at Piazza Navona in the early hours. However unless your intention is to save the couple of euros that are added if you call (the meter starts from the time of dispatch), it's easier if you call or summon one with the WeTaxi App or also Free Now App

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293 posts

Ditto on ask the hotel. Give them 15 minutes and the taxi will be outside your door with the correct fare charged.

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256 posts

Thanks all -- we are in an apartment so just a short walk to the taxi stand...but I am not opposed to calling ahead. That is even better and a few extra euros are worth it. Thanks!

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1625 posts

We used Uber as we stayed in an Apartment and my one time calling for a Taxi I could not understand what was being said and I was just kept in this loop of a recording with no one picking up. with Uber I just order the car and pay for it on the app, walk outside my apartment and there my black car is waiting. With that being said, the first time I ever used Uber was in Europe and never looked back.