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Taxi service in Florence

How is it? Also is it hard to get a taxi in the early morning, say 4:30 am.

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23562 posts

Have your hotel call. But the meter will start from the time they get the call or have the hotel prearrange a pick up,

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3313 posts

I can't contribute an informed answer, but to clarify your question, are you asking about getting a taxi to the airport?

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13 posts

Yes this is to the airport. We have to leave the hotel about 4:30 am, but thats the way it goes I guess. Just trying to see if there were any notable nightmares from fellow travels.

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362 posts

One thing to remember in Florence is that you can't hail a cab - you either go to one of the spots where they are (back of the Duomo, Piazza Santa Croce, the station, etc.) and get one - or - call 055 4242 and give them your location, and they will pick you up. The operator usually speaks English -

I think last time we had a real early flight and tried to call the night before, they told us to just call when we were ready in the morning.

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160 posts

Wow Anthony! Wish I had seen this post before I went! We stayed in an apartment in Florence, and of course, had no problem getting a cab outside the train station.
When we were going to leave couldn't find one and ended up pulling our bags from Oltrano to the train station! Not ideal- thank heavens for wheelable bags!

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2023 posts

We had our hotel book taxi the night before and the meter did not start at that time. Cost to airport from our hotel (3 blocks or so from Santa Maria Novella) was around 10 euros. The hotels deal with legit taxi drivers or at least this is our experience--so you will not get totally ripped off.

Posted by
362 posts

Susan when was that? The set fare from the center to the airport is 20 euro, plus baggage. Has been that for at least a couple of years -
Also they can tack on night time fees too I think.