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Taxi from FCO and pone card use

We arrive terminal 2 FCO from Sardinia in mid October and need transport to our overnight B&B in Fiumicino before returning next day to FCO for our flight home to USA. Which taxi is reliable? Cost? How to contact when we don't have mobile phone? Cost? If I need to make a phone call, where in airport do I purchase insertable phone card and how do I use it, please. Or should I get some sort of prepaid card? Please forgive my need for "old fashioned " means of communication! Also, I see various posts about hot weather in Rome, September. What might we expect in early October, before we go to Sardinia? Thanks!

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We have flown into Rome a number of times and have always used a private car service to get to the city. Go to (it is a car service and not a regular cab) and check them out. We have used them a number of times and have always been pleased. They will meet you inside the airport so you don't have to hunt them down. Not sure what they will charge to your destination, but send them an email and they will send you a quote. has a lot of info about the airport so you may want to check it out also. TC