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Taxi fare from Loggiato dei Serviti to SMN Train Station?

Can you tell me the cost of a taxi from Loggiato dei Serviti to the train station...or is Uber ok to use? Do we need to set it up in advance (and how to do that?) or will we be able to do that the day-of?


Posted by
8227 posts

The concierge can order you a taxi day of; the hotel is 6 blocks or 1.1 kilometers from the train station

Posted by
8227 posts

Distance: 1.4 mi
Duration: 13 mins
Start Price: €4.50
1.4 mi x €4.43 : €5.99
Waiting time (estimated 11.20 min): €5.60
Overall price (estimation): €16.09

Posted by
87 posts

hmmmm.....we probably should walk but I'm concerned about the rolling suitcases (one each)....

Posted by
23653 posts

And keep in mind, that when you call a taxi the meter starts with the call and not when he picks you up.

Posted by
87 posts

Sandra....that link isn't allowing me to configure Loggiato dei Serviti in Florence.

Posted by
16200 posts

15€ is a good estimate.
No Uber in Florence, and it is more expensive anyhow.
You can call just minutes before or set up in advance or ask the hotel staff to do so for you.
It’s up to you.
You could also walk to a taxi stand and get one there. The closest taxi stand is on Piazza San Marco I think.
Two taxi cooperatives in Florence:

Taxi licenses in Italy can only be given to individuals, not companies. As such taxi drivers are not employees of those companies, but rather are all independent business owners and licensed operators of their vehicles. They are associated in cooperatives, like the ones linked above, of which they are members, to share common services, like marketing and radio dispatch.

Posted by
1759 posts

Taxi fare will be anything between 8 and 15 euro. It depends on traffic, itinerary, how distant was the taxi when the call was received, etc. - each bag is 1 euro surcharge.
If there is some big event in the city (say, a commercial fair) or it is raining, getting a taxi may be somewhat long, leave enough time. If not, they can be summoned by phone in few minutes.

Posted by
87 posts

Sandra, I can't seem to "force it" into Firenze or Florence. This is the address (Piazza SS. Annunziata, 3, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy) but please don't go to too much trouble. I can figure it out when I get there.

Thanks to all for the advice.