We've been overcharged on taxi charges in Italy before usually because the driver takes the long way or circles where we want to go. I'm not sure what to say to the driver without starting an argument or sounding rude. Any suggestions?
How can you be so sure those circles aren't a consequence of the one-way and pedestrian streets system? I'm italian and in Rome I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a scammer and an honest driver.
As the post above states, this is likely a consequence of one-way streets and zones the traffic must avoid. Can you describe a specific incident in which city, and are you sure it was an official licensed cab?
Both times in Rome with licensed driver summoned by the hotel desk for aged amount. Once at Vatican , no road or traffic blocks. Just need to know how to politely ask to please let us out here.
Our experience with Rome taxi is that it has never been a problem. Naples once but never in Rome. Remember if the hotel calls a taxi the charges start when the taxi is called. So there will always be something on the meter depending on how far away the taxi was. If you want to get out, you say stop, point to the curb, or a building. "This is good." I really doubt if you have been driven in circles. With goggle maps on your phone you can monitor your route. Use it.
Thank you for deleting the extra posts!
Do you mean "agreed amount?". And the driver charged you more? Are you sure there were no one-way streets involved? We have had drivers go around a block or two to get to our desired address because of one-way streets. It added a euro or three to the bill. If we had known about the one-way streets, we could have asked to get out a block away. Maybe someone can say it in Italian, but I would imagine a simple "Signore, stop here please" might work. Have the fare ready in cash to give him.
In Roma last summer, the taxis had to avoid the area around the Colosseum because it was pedestrianized on the weekends. Metro Linea C construction also caused rerouting.
Only once, in Milazzo, did a driver take a long route, but that may have been due to temporary detours as well.
Do you know the city of Rome well enough to say that the taxi took an unnecessarily longer route?
If you want to say to be let out just let the driver know. He'll let you get off wherever you want.
Google www.worldtaximeter.com and practice plugging in start points and destination points now while you are still at home. If you Google World Taximeter, several international meters will list and you can practice on all of them.
The meters do account for detours and re-routes and may indicate road closures if any. I think these meters are the single most important practice you can do for yourself now and in Italy before you get in the cab.
The internet meters will give you an idea of actual fare between two points. And you need to have a sense of a ballpark figure before you take the ride. Then you decide how much you want to pay on the asking fare.
Rome taxi drivers are notorious for hiking taxi fare costs. They hike costs without the benefit of road closures, detours, or re-routes. You have to know what you're doing. I use these internet meters to navigate my way through Rome and never have a problem. They are right on point.