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Taking luggage on the Orvieto funiclar

We're a group of 6 adults, each with a suitcase plus a small carry-on, and we'll be staying a few nights in Orvieto.
Can we take all our luggage with us on the funicular; or do they frown on that? Or are there any restrictions you are aware of? Thanks.

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1825 posts

You are fine with your personal luggage, the funicular is the size of a bus. Once on top the walk to the center is slightly uphill and many take the shuttle which will also accommodate your bags. It's a nice walk but you'll be slightly exerted. Orvieto is wonderful.

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11613 posts

Luggage goes on the funivia with you, have a strategy for getting the bags through the turnstile (bags can be slid under before you go through).

Your funivia ticket is valid for the bus ride into town. There are two routes, one is a little longer and makes a circuit through town, both end up at Piazza del Duomo.

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2456 posts

Randy, as long as each of the 6 of you can handle your own bags, I don't think you should have too many problems getting on and off the funicular, although if there are other folks arriving you might not all get on the same one, and may need to wait some time for the next one. Once at the top of the funicular run, I think you might have more trouble fitting everything on to the bus. As I remember, there are a couple different routes from there up to the Piazza del Duomo, and some buses are smaller and more congested than others. I will tell you my personal experience, arriving as a group of 1, with just a carry-on and a tote. I arrived on the train and then took the funicular at the same time as a tour group. Upon exiting the funicular, the tour guide ran ahead and then led the group and their baggage directly to the bus, and filled it, no seat left for me. I decided to walk up the hill to my hotel by the Duomo, dragging my baggage behind me. It was a 15-minute, perseverent and sweaty slog, but I arrived in good condition, having earned that evening's gelato.
I'll say that the cheapest way is not always the best way. Depending on your 6 individuals and actual baggage, you might find that your time in Orvieto would be off to a much better start getting a couple taxis directly to your lodging, either from the train station, or at least from the top of the funicular. If you are spending several days in Orvieto, I'm sure that you will have other opportunities to experience the very modest thrill of the funicular, without all your baggage in tow.
Orvieto is truly wonderful, I will always remember the colorful facade of the Duomo, especially illuminated by the late afternoon sunlight.

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11613 posts

The bus that takes the longer route is rarely full.

The funicular is easy and fun. It runs constantly. It is directly across the street from the train station. You purchase your ticket right before you board at the booth inside the funicular "station." Simply slide your luggage first under the bar next to (left of) the turnstile. Then, pop your ticket in the turnstile and walk through. Luggage is not an issue. Many people have luggage. It's common. If you miss a funicular car - no problem. Minutes later, another car will appear. It's a great system.

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6 posts

Grazie mille to all. As usual, you've clearly answered my question.