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take it slow rome itinerary...comments?

I promise (maybe) to not bother you after we return from Rome:
Sat..arrive 17:00 find appartment rue Bonghi between Termini and Col. Find supper.
Sunday ... Modern art Museum in Parc Borghese, Spanish steps and Trevi Fountain...( but now Ron says the Pope does a noon blessing) and the museum is closed monday...
Monday...St Peter's...Vatican...working around Ron's mention that there's not much line near 3:00pm
Tuesday....Ostia Antiqua..............and supper at restaurant that i really want to go to near San Paola, south quartier Garbatella.
Wednesday....change apts...moving closer to Santa Maria Maggior...visit assorted churches...maybe Forum (but very low on my must see list)
Thursday....Once considered going to Orvieto...but our 6th floor apt promises a terrace...and we might rather spend the euros on supper????
Friday...Piazza Navona, Pantheon...and all those other things we missed

I thought booking the flights and finding housing was exhasting...It's not like we never travelled before..But now that i've found you all i figure i might as well get some advice. Trip is May 3 to May 10 so i have plenty of time to fuss and worry...sure am getting all the piazzas and fountains mixed up.

Posted by
2207 posts

Regina: "Piano, Piano"
You're going ON vacation, remember!! :)

First step, go to a local grocery and get a couple of bottles of wine, and head for the terrace at your apartment!!!

Relax, You're going to have a great time!


Posted by
10344 posts

Regina: If you really mean "take it slow" then stick with your instinct and forget Orvieto and take Ron's advice about staying in Rome that day and what to do instead of running yourself ragged on a day trip, when you're already in one of the best cities in the world, Rome.

Posted by
67 posts

Regina, I was exhausted when planning my trip to Rome too. But.. Rome is a fabulous city with so much history and ambiance that you will enjoy the famous sights as well as sitting, drinking wine and watching the locals. Those Piazzas that you are mixed up with are a great place to do just that. Relax, enjoy!

Posted by
448 posts

Thanks again for the advice...i was just trying to make sure that it wasn't so "piano, piano" that my husband spends all the time napping!! I guess i'm lucky (?)...he says whatever i decide will be fine.
An other posting mentioned "the bone church"..thanks...i'd been trying to find the name of that.

Posted by
7866 posts

With a week, you have plenty of time to do lots, and do lots of nothing special. Pick your one or two things to do each day, only the major things like the Borghese, the Vatican, Ostica Antica, the things that require lines travel or reservations. Nearly everything else in Rome can be done on walks. We must have been in Campo Di Fiori, Piazza Navano, and by the Treve Fountain a dozen times during our week. Pantheon, its free, step inside everytime you are by. Castel San Angelo, no lines. Virtually most of Rome can be done on a relaxed schedule.