With all the great info I received, we've decided to take the train from Malpensa Aeroporto to Como Nord Lago. Unfortunately, on June 30 (family day?), it seems as if we'll need to change trains in Saronno. Any idea how large this station is and given that we only have 20 minutes to find the correct departure point, what would be the best way to go about this? Thanks for any and all input.
Note down the code of the train you must take in Saronno and look for that code on "Departures" monitors. Same thing you'd do in any other train station around the world.
15 minutes is the minimum connection time in big stations such as Rome and Milan.
Travelling with 2 regular sized suitcases + a carryon. Questions, please:
1) Are there elevators if we need to go from one track to another?
2) Luggage storage...read that there's space above the seats for carryon. However, what about suitcases...also read that there's space behind the seats. My concern is regarding leaving our luggage in the compartment at the end of the section we'll be travelling in where we may not be able to keep an eye on them.
3) Can we actually store our luggage in the 'unoccupied' seats in front of us, or is this frowned on
I would seriously doubt if there are elevators or escalators at Saronno station.
It looks from Google aerial image that there are 6 tracks at the station, with 2 center platforms with a track on each side of them, and 2 side platforms with 1 track each. So 20 minutes should be more than enough time. In Switzerland, a 5 minute connection would be legal.
The Malpensa Express train is open with plenty of room to keep your luggage with you. It is after all, designed to take travelers between Milan and its international airport. The train to Como is likely a standard passenger train. If it is not crowded, you can keep luggage in the seat next to you as long as there are plenty of open seats for passengers getting on and off. On a Sunday, i would expect most of the people will be going the other direction into Milan after a weekend on Lake Como. If the train is crowded and you are paranoid about luggage theft, you can stand with it in the vestibule for the ride to Como. It is only 40 minutes.
The Italian version of Wikipedia shows a track plan like Sam described. I also would not count on the underpasses being accessed by elevator or escalator - stairs are most likely.
barratt_roger, google Saronno train station and you'll find several sites with info, including maps and diagrams.
Excellent information and resources. Many thanks.