Would anyone be able to assist me with advice on whether an Economy Light ticket would make more sense than the Economy Classic on Swiss Air. Seeing I will not be checking a bag and traveling with a carry-on, I'm leaning toward the Light ticket.
You would have to see their list of terms to see if they'll allow you to carry on a bag--if it needs to go up in the top rack. You might also not get a reserved seat--if that means anything to you.
We just booked an Economy Light on Lufthansa / Swiss. You get a carry-on up to 18 lbs. as well as a 'personal' item that can go under the seat in front of you. On a recent flight, I saw a Swiss agent heft a passenger's carry on and then force them to gate check it. I assumed it was because they had an Economy Light ticket and were over the weight. See this recent discussion: https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/italy/beware-lufthansa-economy-may-be-economy-light-w-o-disclosure