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I hope I'm posting this in the right place!

Our family will be traveling in Italy for a week in June, complements of Make-A-Wish. One of our children recently completed cancer treatment for a brain tumor. She's doing great, and I want to keep her that way, so I want to bring all of her supplements with us. I want to bring them in the handy-dandy weekly pill box rather than bring all the individual bottles. We also want to pack lightly enough that we can just carry-on.

Will the airlines let us through with our supplements? (Various vitamins and herbals.) How can we guarantee we won't be hassled? Should I have a letter from her dr? I know they must allow medications, but I assume those would be in labelled medicine bottles.

Thanks for any guidance.

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23657 posts

Have never had any problem with medications when leaving the US. The problem is returning. The US is one of the more difficult countries to enter. But by that time most of the medication is consumed so there should be a problem. But as backup, I get the letter and at least have labels for the medications. If you get hassled, remember they hassle everyone. Last year returning through washington, DC, from Germany, they took my wife down to her underwear. Cannot be too careful -- a 63 year old public school librarian could be a threat. Just never know.

Frank, Centennial, CO

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2820 posts

There's no guarantee that you won't be hassled. A letter from the doc wouldn't hurt. I would take prescription meds in a labeled container. I took a number of supplements (flax tabs, vitamins, etc.) to Italy last year (all in one container and a pill box) and had no issues on the way. Europeans love herbals. Good point from previous poster that most of it will be gone by the time you return, so there shouldn't be a hassle by US customs.