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Sunday in Rome

We will be in Rome for 8 days. Is there any benefit to traveling to Pompeii/Naples on a Sunday? Is there a better option for Sunday? Thanks

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1127 posts

Pompeii will probably be more crowded on the weekend than during the week but I don't think the difference will be drastic. All the sights with the exception of the Vatican Museum are open on Sundays in Rome.

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440 posts

I was rather blessed when in Rome one Sunday to chance upon a recital by two brothers who were/had studied at the Music Conservatorium (if my Italian served me well). They both played grand piano and sang. Arias, popular Italian folksongs. All rather delightful really. I just sat on the Spanish Steps and soaked up the atmosphere.

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401 posts

Sunday is truly a day of rest in Italy so there will be more families enjoying their day off, and many stores will be closed. Restaurants will be open and in a place like Pompeii where they work when everyone else rests, you might not notice a difference as far as things being opened or not.

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606 posts

The longest week of my life was a Sunday I spent in Rome. Looked all day long and couldn't find a beer for sale ANYWHERE!

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2207 posts

Patrick... Heck you can get a beer at McDonald's here on a Sunday!!!

But you're right... in that early Sunday it is tough to find an open bar. My friends in Trastevere say their bars do great business on Sundays! Unfortunately I live on the other side of town near the Vatican --- guess what, limited beer for me too!

On our side of town from the Epiphany (01/06) through Easter Sunday, the grocery stores were not open on Sundays... and they closed on Saturdays at 8 PM. So you had to stock up or you were "eating out" Sunday.

Regarding Pompeii... I'd go on a weekday now to avoid crowds but not sure what time of the year you're coming. In season, it probably does not matter. I will say if possible to get there early. We did, and had the place to ourselves for about 1 hour and it was great. We left 4 hours later and it was packed - whole different experience!

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15 posts

Hey Patrick...thanks for the heads up. May need to stock up on a few bottles of wine for Sunday. Does anyone have a good suggestion for something to do on a Sunday. Looks like we may adjust our schedule and do Pompeii during the week.

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2207 posts

Barbara - we spend our Sunday's in Rome relaxing! Often we'll fix a picnic lunch and here for a quiet spot. Villa Borghese is one of our favorites.

You could go see the Pope (with 50-100,000 other friends) as he does the blessing in St. Peter's Square at 12 noon!You could take a "sidetrip" to Orvieto, Tivoli, or Ostia Antica!

We often head to obscure museums on Sunday... just be wary if it's the last Sunday off the month, museums are free and often very crowded!

We definitely head to Giolitt's or Del Palma for gelato on Sundays!

Sundays are a great day to wander the streets and find that special shop - to go back to tomorrow when it's open! (Many shops do not open until after 2 PM on Sunday and many do not open at all!)

You can also head to Porta Portese, largest "market" in Rome!

Just know that metro, bus, trolley, and trains all runon Sunday (or festival scheules) which means far fewer "public transport" vehicles on the road.

Plenty to do in Rome on Sunday!