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Summer in Venice


I will be spending June-September in Venice and was wondering if anyone here has any tips...good beaches, how to deal with heat and mosquitoes, favorite parks/resturaunts/bars etc. I realize that summer is probably about the worst time to spend in Venice, but it's how things worked out.

Any help is appreciated!

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2030 posts

Well stay in the city if you can -- not in the outskirts. That way when the crowds from the cruise ships leave town in early evening the city will be relatively un-crowded, still warm, and unbelievably romantic and picturesque. Dusk, or night-time gondola ride are fantastic, and dining in wonderful bars and restaurants. Follow the recommendations in Rick's guide. There's a cute restaurant near the Academia bridge (can't remember the name but you can't miss it -- you look down on the patio from the bridge). During the day if hot, go out early, take a siesta, then out again at night.

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2788 posts

Be sure to get RS current book on Italy - it has a good section on Venice - more information that you will get on this web site. However, the information you get here does have a personal touch to it. Have fun.

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712 posts

Lucky you! Since you are there so long, you should look into seeing if you can get the cheaper passes for the Vapaprettos that residence of Venice can purchase. We met a lady from NYC who now lived in Venice and told us how much cheaper that pass was for her to buy and use.

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448 posts

Rick has a Venice book, in addition to his Italy book, which also suggests day trips.