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Suggested towns to stay approximately half way between St. Cristina in Dolomites and Bizet Croatia?

Looking at Maniago and Spilimbergo as possibilities but no nothing about the area. Avoiding toll roads. Thanks, Cyndi

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15210 posts

Spilimbergo is cute. It's famous for mosaics.
However why are you avoiding tolls? By using the freeways you will get to your destination much faster and they are really not that expensive. From the border to Belluno, on the way to Cortina, tolls will be just above €10.

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77 posts

Aside from the Dolomites, the only area in northeastern Italy we've researched is Venice and its surrounding towns, so unfortunately I'm not sure of a city by name to recommend. I would play around with routing on to see what's along the way. Viamichelin will give you drive times, directions, routes, toll and gas prices for a specific trip and so on. For areas we don't cover check out the Lonely Planet guidebooks.