We are going to be going to Bologna and will have a car (I know, we'll be careful of the ZTL). We would like to visit cities like Parma, Ravenna, etc. I like to use a low-scale map to plan out the driving and see what other cities we might be passing by. Can anyone suggest a map they've used for this area that they liked that would cover a broad enough swath to include cities such as the ones I mentioned?
The Italian Touring Club has great maps. Michelin also has a series of maps on different areas of Italy (northeast, northwest, central, south). Ferrara and Mantova are very nice stopping points. Check online to see what is open in Ferrara since the earthquakes (I was there in late May and the cathedral and castle were both closed due to damage, not just for inspection).
You'll also be getting GPS, right?
yes, we have a GPS and have found it a huge value on previous trips to Italy. Great for deciding which branch of the road to take at a fork, for finding parking as we circle the town, etc. Having the GPS is actually the reason I want the larger scale map. On our most recent trip to the Adriatic side we used the GPS to get to Sorrento and later looking at a larger map of the area discovered some towns that would have been worth a visit that would not have added that much distance. Hard to see them on the small GPS screen when looking at the overall route. So my motivation now is to pick the macro route myself and then leave the details to the GPS.
Great tip about getting a map AND GPS, John.