We will be traveling from Florence to Venice by train. The train passes through Bolgna and we would like to spend the afternoon there. Are there safe places to store luggage at the train station for an afternoon?
There is electronic luggage locker storage at the Bologna Train station.
The train station is at the edge of the central area, an entertaining walk of about a kilometre and a half to the major basilica and its plaza in the heart of the city. Google Maps will show you the way. There is bus transport from the station too. But during tourist months some of the centre is reserved for pedestrians and some routes may change.
Thank you so much.
Because of the one way scheme on the roads in Bologna, the bus from the station to the historic centre takes quite a bit longer than the bus returning to the station which is an easy straight line. Walking in Bologna is fun because of the arcades.
Just wanted to mention that when you store baggage at Italian train stations, you need to present your passport.
Yes, the Bologna train station is a long walk from the center. On arrival, I'd take a taxi to the center, particularly since you're only there a short time. For your return, you can decide whether you want a taxi or the bus.
You may already know this (in which case, forgive me for mentioning it), but to stop at Bologna, you will need two separate train tickets - Florence to Bologna and Bologna to Venice.
EDIT: I just found your other thread, in which it was already explained you need separate tickets for each leg.
Thank you for all the great advice