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Still required to validate train tickets before boarding?

I was told my last trip in September that this was no longer necessary.

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8353 posts

I believe it is still necessary in many instances, it depends on the type of ticket. If you have a ticket on a high speed train that carries a specific train, time, and seat; then no, validation is not required. Otherwise, on regional trains, or any time the ticket can be used for more than a specific train, then you still need to validate.

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32417 posts

Scott, As a previous reply mentioned, it's usually not necessary to validate tickets on the high speed "Freccia" trains (or others that have compulsory reservations), as the ticket is limited to a specific train and departure time. However, on the Regionale trains, I VERY MUCH doubt that validation is no longer required, especially as I observed someone being fined for not validating (that occurred last September). Keep in mind that a ticket without a validation date and time could be used several times unless it was "punched" by a Conductor. Tickets are not always checked on every train, so could conceivably be re-used. It's highly unlikely that authorities would tolerate that type of situation. Happy travels!

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833 posts

I lived there last fall. I can confirm that tickets with seat reservations (such as on a Freccia or Intercity) you do not need to validate your ticket. On any other ticket, one in which you do not have a specific seat reserved, you do need to validate your ticket. You can and may get fined if you forget to do so. If you do forget to do so, find the conductor, explain the situation and you may be lucky. There are some good guys!

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30 posts

We were on a regional train earlier this month. Through oversight, we did not validate our tickets. We were fined 43 Euros for not doing so, with tickets having a total face value of only 14 Euros. Our conductor was not compassionate at all; it kind of spoiled the day. But as others have said, if your ticket has a car and seat number printed on it, you don't need to validate it.

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3302 posts

Sorry that happened to you Dan. But the conductors have no leeway to be compassionate. Otherwise they would have to accept everyone's excuse, or make judgments about who made an innocent mistake ( like you) and who was intentionally trying to cheat. How are they supposed to do that? Excuse the foreigners and nail the Italians? I don't think so. The consequences of failing to validate your ticket have to be the same for everyone, or becomes impossible for the conductors to enforce. So listen up everyone, the OP is wrong and validation is still required for tickets on Regional trains. If the ticket does not have an assigned seat on a specific train, validate it!!!! And if there is any doubt in your mind, validate. Make it a routine part of your train boarding process, so it is almost automatic. Once you are comfortable with the system and you can distinguish between Regional trains and the other kinds (ES and IC). You can relax a bit. But better to stamp a ticket that doesn't need it than to fail to stamp a ticket that does need it.

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23727 posts

Also, the Leonard Express ticket to and from Termini must be validated. All trains in Italy EXCEPT regional trains require a seat reservation. Therefore only Regional trains need to be validated.

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32417 posts

Dan, I've also been fined so that's why I'm VERY careful now with things like ticket validation and seat reservations. I sometimes even validate reserved seats "just to be sure". The OP was obviously given incorrect information by someone that didn't know what they were talking about. Regarding "leeway" on the part of the Conductors, I have seen them use discretion and not fine passengers travelling without reservations, including two occasions on my trip last fall. In one case, a couple were travelling with a book of tickets that was equal in size to War & Peace, that had been provided by their Travel Agent. They had "neglected" to get reservations, which were compulsory on the train we were on. The Conductor simply sold them a reservation on the spot (no fine). However, I also observed someone being fined for not validating (that was possibly a bit of "Karma" as he had a bit of an arrogant attitude). Cheers!

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1829 posts

Last year when we were on holiday in Bologna we took a day trip to Ravenna. We forgot to validate our tickets and realised it just as the train was leaving the station. I walked towards the back of the train to find the ticket inspector and explained what had happened, she validated them for us with no problem. If this happens to you do not wait until the ticket inspector reaches your seats but go looking for them.

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3580 posts

At a couple of Italian train stations lately, I found dark colored new validating machines. They all used to be yellow. They are still located near the tracks.