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Staying in San Gimignano - Getting to hotel

Hello! My husband and I are staying at a quaint little home that we found through Vrbo, in San Gimignano next summer. If the town is a car free city; once we get off of the bus and into the city wall, do we walk our luggage through the city to get to our vaca home? We’re just unsure of the town and what is customary. Thanks!

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239 posts

Having stayed inside the wall a few years back the process is exactly as you described. You walk with your luggage to your accommodation. It is a relatively small town. I do not know the location of the bus stop, but be prepared to walk uphill.

The difference I. The town between day when it is packed with tourists and the evening when it is only locals and visitors such as yourselves is remarkable. Of course, this is the case in any Italian village that attracts tourists.

Enjoy your stay.

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12211 posts

I would be surprised if your landlord were unable to provide specific info on how to get to the place, from where ever you get off the bus

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3653 posts

From what I remember two years ago, we got off our bus from Poggibonsi at the stop for San Gimignano, and the stop was right outside the main gate to the town.
No hill from the bus stop into the town; but you might then have to walk up or down a couple of hills inside the town to get to your hotel.
Have a look for the hotel on Street view, and follow the roads back from there.
I don't know where you are coming from by bus though, it may stop at another gate into the town.

And pack light!

Here is a photo of the stop we got off at, outside the Porta San Giovanni.,11.0420634,3a,75y,40.86h,68.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3M62IDhZ5z5K8Ciwc8SBzQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192