We are staying in Venice for the night of May 13 after spending the whole day there and then would like to be in Rome on the 15th. Would I have time to fit a day trip in on the 14th to Padua and then go to Rome or would it be better to either go straight to Rome or stay a night in Padua? Also is Padua worth the trip or should I just enjoy my second day in Venice and take a night train to Rome? The 14th is also a Monday and I know some towns in that area have most big attractions on Mondays but wasn't sure if it was the same for Padua.
Agreed. Save Padova for another trip and spend the time in Venice. FWIW, though, here are some photos of our trip to Padova in May 2011. It's very charming but definitely takes a back seat to Venice. If you get sick of the overwhelming tourist hordes in Venice, drift away from those places. Here are some photos of our trip to Venice in May 2011 that show that it is indeed possible to get away from the crowds. Most of these were taken in the Cannaregio district. Happy travels.
I firmly agree with the others; BUT; if the one thing you wanted to see was the Scrovengi Chapel, and you are an admirer of early art as I am, I would be very tempted to suggest you manipulate your travel day to Rome to allow you to stop off and see it. It is truly magnificent and worth the trouble. On the other hand, if it was for something else, or you don't like the colour blue, I'd say keep on truckin'. BTW, if you want to see the Chapel, you need to have specific reservations. In a system similar to the one used in Milan for the Last Supper you need timed reservations, you stay in an air lock for 15 minutes then the group goes in for 15 minutes. Barely long enough but amazing.
Sounds like your time is pretty limited. Venice has much more to offer than Padua. Stay the 14th in Venice and go to Rome on the 15th. Get beyond San Marco and the museums. Walk out in the Dorsoduro, for example, the Zattere. Much of the enjoyment in Venice is just walking and observing. Rick Steves has a couple of nice walking tours in his Venice book, and there's another guide I like a lot, "24 Great Walks I Venice." And if you cannot find enough to keep you occupied on land, you can cruise to Murano, Burano and Torcello if the weather is good.
Good suggestion. There was only one thing I wanted to see in Padua and I really would rather stay in Venice. Thank you very much.
Ditto. Padova is nice if you have the time but that extra day would be better used in Venice.
Too true, Nigel. The Scrovegni Chapel is awesome, and one could certainly get an early reservation, hop off the train there, have a peek and then move on to Rome. You could easily do that and be in Rome by mid-to-late afternoon.
I agree with Nigel. I think Padova is a great city, and the Scrovegni Chapel is its gem. You only get 15 minutes inside, and another 20 or so of an orientation film prior to entering, and you need a reservation (only 25 people are permitted inside at one time). So, if this is the only thing in Padova you want to see, you can easily take a train from Venice, visit the Chapel, and be back in Venice in less than half a day.
I would vote to stay an extra night in Venice. Padova is a nice university city however little to see other than the S chapel. The village italy tour starts in Padova and stays for 2 nights.