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Status of famous Greek Cafe near the Spanish Steps

I just noticed that this famous coffee shop was in danger of closing late last year. Does anyone know the status please?

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16867 posts

You probably mean Antico Caffè Greco? There are lots of articles out there about the ongoing legal battle over the landlord's VERY hefty rent increase awhile back but what with darn near everything in Rome being closed up since March 11th or so, that process is likely on hold. As near as I've seen, the last eviction notice was extended from Oct. to early January, and I'd guess was extended again.

Anyway, their FB page does not indicate permanent closure, and notes that a new website is under development:

Also, TripAdvisor reviews indicate that they were still open in February/early March.

Posted by
38 posts

thanks so much. I missed going there last October, sadly, and I thought I had missed my chance. Looking forward to going to this historical cafe next trip. Was hoping to go again this October, but it looks like I have to wait until spring 2021 at the very earliest :(

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16867 posts

Hard to tell what may happen with it over the next year but I'll cross fingers for you. 🤞
LOL, I've not been inside but while the coffee is said to be pretty pricey, reports are that use of its posh loos alone is worth the tab!

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1025 posts

McDonald's is only about two blocks from the Spanish Steps, and its bathrooms are free. I bought a 2 euro iced tea just to be nice, but the loos are great!