Can you have the required baggie of liquids in a purse, as well as the carryon?
Yes. As long as you pull the baggie our and scan it separately, they don't care which piece of carry-on its in.
Its called a 3-1-1 bag because you have in it containers of no more than 3oz or 100ml. You have one bag per person. Where you carry that one bag is your business as long as it is available to be put on the conveyer at inspection time. One bag per person. It contains all liquids and cremes that you have with you. Some countries include lipstick and such. Use a one quart (the other 1) as a 3-1-1 bag. It is cheaper than those made to separate the traveler from her or his money, and works just as well. Get the slider zip closure kind and take a couple extra. Put your prescription medicines in another quart bag, all of them no matter if solid, liquid, or creme. Have it ready for the inspection that will probably never occur. l i
Each person only gets one 3-1-1 bag. You can't have two of them for 1 person. They will make you check it or leave it. They are very strict about this so be careful not to take more than the limit. Donna
Thanks for your comments! I got the info I needed.