We are arriving in Termini on the train from the airport and will have our luggage to transport to the airbnb we are staying in near the Termini. Are there lots of stairs in Termini? I am wanting to make sure I can handle my luggage okay and I have a very sore shoulder so if there are lots of stairs, I will need to adjust and pack even lighter. Thank you!
There are stairs and there are elevators...but it's always wise to pack light even if you're not injured.
All levels are connected by escaltors and lifts.
Take a look at the station maps on their website to locate escalators, lifts and stairs on all three levels:
But if you are traveling around Italy by train, you'll want to pack to what you can comfortably handle as some smaller stations don't have elevators/escalators. You likely will encounter accommodations which do not have elevators as well.
Unless you want to eat at the cafeteria upstairs, there are no stairs to climb at Termini. There is a lower level but you do not need to use that if you enter and depart from the street level outside. All trains are on one level, just check the boards for your track.
Some trains share tracks so you may have a long walk; good idea to take Kathy's advice and pack light.
Other than getting on and off the train, there are no stairs between you the taxi stand at the front of the station. However, there are stairs getting to the Leonard Express at the airport - but both an escalator and an elevator is available.
Frank, I was at Termini on August 7, and the Leonardo Express was on the same level as all the other trains; no stairs. There is construction going on, did that change something?
I did take an escalator to the train platform when I used one of the side entrances to Termini, on via Giolitti; is that what you and Kathy are referring to?
Zoe, I'm pretty sure it was that side entrance I was thinking of but my head could have been leaky that day!
Allison, take a hard look at what you have packed & delete one half of the stuff. The sore shoulder will thank you!
If you want to avoid the escalator/stairs on the Giolitti side entrance, just walk to the main entrance.
Thank you all for your replies. I am taking Bob's suggestion and taking out a bunch of what I have packed. :) It sounds like there are not a lot of stairs and that is a relief. Thanks again!
The Cafeteria at Termini is on the Main Track Level, along with many other eateries. The Cafeteria is on the same level as the Leonardo Express from the Airport.
As of August this year, the upstairs cafeteria was still open, has lots of seating.