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St Peter's Scavi tour

Does anyone know if afterwards you are able to tour the main part of the Basilica or are you dropped off outside and need to wait on line?

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2177 posts

Typically, the Scavi Tour ends at the stairs that go up into St. Peters right by the main altar and those ending the Scavi tour go on up. The only problem you might have is IF St. Peter's is closed for a private mass/event, etc., then you will not be allowed upstairs (as was the case with one of our three attempts to visit....see earlier reply to your other posting).

....and the same advice I gave re: the Borghese (on your other post) should you arrive a bit early for your designated time for the Scavi reservation, just kindly check with the guard to see if you might be able to join an earlier tour.....we were allowed to join a tour earlier than ours, saving something like 30-45 minutes.