We are spending several days in Venice this summer. We have booked a tour of the Doges palace on Sunday and wanted to go through St. Marks after (not with a tour, just ourselves). Will the mosaics be lit up at all on Sunday? Or is it only during the week? Thanks!
The mosaics are lit during Sunday morning Mass (Messe). Mass is a great time to see them. You can sit comfortably in the Nave, directly under them, without being bustled around the perimeter of the nave during non-Mass visiting hours. Get a seat located in the center, but closer to front doors. That way, you can look up and see them better. If you get a seat closer to the altar, the mosaics will be straight-up or behind your head. The lighting really helps.
Sun-Baked kindly provided the answer, Ashley, but in case you want to know more about the basilica....
Lighting of the mosaics:
"The St. Mark’s interior is illuminated from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Weekdays and during liturgical celebrations on Sundays and Holidays."
Mass times:
PLEASE, do NOT take photos during Mass
Thank you!
PLEASE, do NOT take photos during Mass
Photography or filming isn't allowed in the basilica at any time at all, even during open visiting hours. Dress rules standard for pretty much all Catholic churches in Italy also apply.
Thanks! Yes, of course we will dress and behave appropriately. I booked a reservation for later in the week in case we don’t end up going to Mass, but we are really going to try to make it since it sounds like a wonderful experience.
Lighting of the mosaics:
"The St. Mark’s interior is illuminated from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Weekdays and during liturgical celebrations on Sundays and Holidays."Mass times:
Thanks for this info.
Thanks! Yes, of course we will dress and behave appropriately.
Oh gosh, Ashley. I'm very sure you'll be a model tourist! That info was for the benefit of others who may be browsing the forums for their own trips, and who may not know. :O)
No worries, Kathy. A reminder is always good! Glad I read about the dress code now - I’ve been doing some shopping because most of my summer dresses do not end below the knee.
I'd like to offer the suggestion of paying the extra 5 euro (ish?) to visit the museum section of the basilica, on the upper floor/mezzanine level. This is where the original horses can be seen, and the balcony can be accessed. But my favorite part was continuing past the horses and around the main part of the basilica on the mezzanine. You can get up so close to all the mosaics, it really is incredible if you are wanting to appreciate the mosaic works.