How much cash do you travel with. We will have 5 people on the trip, 2 parents and 3 19 year olds. Our train tickets are already bought, so we just need money for food, some sites (I have some things already booked and paid for), and whatever we buy (souvenirs). I can get Euro's at my home bank with no convenience charge for the conversion so I want to bring some with me. How much money do you figure for each person?
I can use credit cards but they have a 3% fee from our credit card and whatever Italy charges. Also if I use my bank card (ATM card), they charge $5 per transaction and a 1% fee and that could really add up. I thought I might try to bring a chunk with me so I don't accrue all those fees, but I am not used to having a lot of cash on me at once so am a little nervous.
I have a money belt and plan on putting the day spending in my bra . Can I put some in the suitcase in my hotel or is that just dumb? I hate walking around with a lot of cash.
any tips on planning a budget so I don't have to use the machine a lot. 1% adds up quickly with 5 people!