Hello All,
Has anyone gone to the Spello flower festival? We will be in Tuscany during this time and considering going!
I've read about in "Il Bel Centro: A Year in the Beautiful Center" by Michelle Damiani, (Kindle or paperback on Amazon) about the year that her American family spent living in Spello. There's a captivating chapter on the flower festival. I highly recommend this book.
Some friends and I went to Spello just after the festival ended, the houses were still decorated. We are planning to go next year: Trevi is nearby, also a lovely place.
We are also planning to be in Spello for the Infiorata this coming year. We are still in the early planning stages of the trip, but the Spello Infiorata is a "for sure". We are thinking of using Spello as our home base for our time in Umbria.
I went to the festival this past May. It was amazing! As you may know, all displays must be religious themed. Civic/school groups lay out the flowers during the night. I would caution that it is very, very crowded so going quite early might be the best idea. The mass, of course, is later, (and the church was full) so if you want to see the procession you'd have to stay around town during the crowded hours. I got dropped off so didn't have to worry about parking. But I can't imagine how one would park. I'd love to go again and stay in town for a night or two. It's a beautiful town.