For those of you driving in Italy now, you should know that all SPEED TUTOR machines have been turned off on Italian freeways. The Speed Tutor calculates the average speed between two points and issues speeding tickets accordingly.
The removal of this system was based on an Italian court decision following a lawsuit for patent infringement brought to court against the Frreway operating company by the inventor of the system (the Craft company based in Greve in Chianti).
As a result the Autovelox fixed machines have been posted in several freeway spots to make up for the now non functioning Tutor. Those fixed machines register the speed only as you pass them, so I suggest using Waze app to navigate, since it should warn you of their presence.
Unfortunately the Police has also started using a new system called Scout Speed. This system is installed aboard police cars and records the speed while the police car is on the move for all cars within a certain radius, including those traveling in the opposite direction of the police car. Apparently the system can record if the car is insured and if it had the annual mandatory mechanical certification. That should not worry you since I’m sure all rental cars comply with those requirements.
The new system also register cars driven by those who called in sick at work and instead went on vacation. If that applies to you, your employer will be automatically notified that you faked being sick (just kidding! But I’m sure that’s next in the Italians’ mind)