This is oddly specific, but I'm working on a project and need info about where each of Galleria dei Candelabri's candelabras came from, and how old they are. *I have already found info about the first 3 pairs, but the last 4 candelabras have 0 info available online. I've searched for weeks.
For reference: Galleria dei Candelabri is the final gallery of Museo Pio Clementino within the Vatican Museums. It's named after the candelabras - there are 10 of them in the gallery, with 2 flanking each archway of each of the gallery's six sections. The first 2 candelabras match one another, the next set match each other, and the third set match each other as well. The last two pairs are all different from one another, and it's those last 4 I need info on.
I've scoured the Vatican's online catalog, and the internet in general but I've had no luck. I would be eternally grateful if someone could enlighten me!
Thank you 🙏