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Sorrento to Praiano, SITA bus

We would be grateful to anyone who has travelled by SITA bus, anywhere in the Sorrento/Amalfi area really, WITH LUGGAGE. I have read about and understand train travel with luggage,(thank you to those posters, big help!), but we are unsure about the bus option. Date of this exercise is April 11th. Secondly, clothing for the weather. We've all heard, "coldest winter in 40 years" recently and I suspect it is the same in Rome and Sorrento. We arrive Apr 03 and are curious about the type rain/sun mix they have this time of year. Sounds silly, I know, but is it socked-in London type heavy rain or a little more tropical, light rain/drizzle followed by some sun in 20 degree weather. Our question is, how should we layer our clothes?
Thanks for any help.

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126 posts

I have traveled with luggage on the SITA bus last summer... No problems what so ever. Not sure exactly what your question was concerning the luggage!??! Yes it is allowed. I can not comment on the weather.

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3313 posts

Big luggage is stored underneath the bus, which means that you need to let the bus drive know to help you get yours at your destination. There's very little room in the compartments above.