We will be staying in Sorrento and want to do the Amalfi coast one day (Oct 20-23) ideally with a private driver. If we could find more people to join us it might be worth the extra cost. Anyone out there on the forum going to be in Sorrento at the same time? It's a long shot but thought I'd give it a try.
If you want an Amalfi Coast tour , book Rick Steve's Mondo small group tour of the Amalfi Coast, starting from Sorrento. Book at www.sharedrours.com. €50 per person .They also offer tours of Naples I believe. We took their Pompeii Tour.€15 I think plus admission fee. Mondo is a local tour agency and Rick Steves has partnered with them to offer these tours.
Or, take a public bus near the Sorrento train station and use buses and ferries to visit the coast. Private drivers quoted us around €280- 300 for a day for the two of us.. I see no need for a private driver. It is not very far from Sorrento to the AC and the towns are near each other. We used buses and ferries but the Rick Steves/Mondo tour in a passenger van sounds like it would be perfect for you.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did see in the RS book about Mondo tours and I agree it sounds like the best option. I had no idea how expensive a private driver would be!
Correction to the link www.sharedtours.com. Sorry for typo.
We had quotes from four private drivers for a full day Amalfi Coast tour.
Signed up, just need 4 more people, we are the first ones! Thanks again. I think I'll sign us up for the Pompeii tour too.
It may be a long shot, but you can also check the cruise critic message boards for passengers looking to share tours on their given cruise.
We very successfully managed to do this for all of our Med Cruise a few years ago. (one port being Naples).
It will be a little cumbersome to figure what ships will be in port on your days. http://www.cruisetimetables.com/
Once you see what ships will be in port (likely Naples), go to the ROLL CALL thread of that ship's sailing (also would be helpful to figure out the cruise's departure port and date.) You may see posts from others who are looking to share tours. If you want help with this, PM me with the date(s) you want to explore and I can calculate which threads you should explore.
mphart, did they respond right away. I signed up for Amalfi and Naples yesterday and have not heard back. Getting nervous.
Go to the tour and search for the day you signed up for. You will see how many more need to sign up to make the tour a "go."
There is a minimum number required. You will receive a confirmation once the tour is filled with enough participants.
Bill, All I got was an auto response that showed us on the list (the only ones). Nothing since then.