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Sorrento for 5 days in mid October

Just wondering what to do and see. Will some things be closed given the time of year? Is Pompeii worth while? What villages on the Almalfi coast should we prioritize? What is the best way to get to Capri given that I get sea sick. We mainly want to eat beautiful lunches and drink beautiful Italian wine! Thanks for your suggestions!

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6626 posts

5 days in Sorrento in mid October sounds lovely to me!
The tourist season is not quite over so I am sure most everything will be open.
You will first want to figure out how you are getting to and from. Where are you flying in and out of?

If Pompeii is of interest to you it is absolutely worth it. Amazing place.

Sorrento and environs is a weekly if not daily topic here. I suggest you do some searches of this forum- you can filter by type and date to narrow down to most recent posts.

You will find tons of info and advice about where to stay, where to go, how to get there, where to eat, guided tours, etc.

As far as getting to Capri- there is no other way than by ferry. Use Sea Bands or take dramamine I suppose?

The ferries will be running along Amalfi coast thru October- weather permitting as always.

This is a great website with loads of info as well:

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4278 posts
  • We spent 4 out of our 11 days in Sorrento in April at Pompeii, Oplontis, Herculaneum and the Archeological Museum in Naples. I thought it was well worth it.
  • The Alilauro ferry to Capri is quite large and may help with motion sickness. My wife also suffers and was fine.
  • We enjoyed Capri much more than the Amalfi Coast; it's easier and faster to get to and the views are spectacular.
  • Ravello is the only town on the AC that I would bother revisiting.
    Positano was a big disappointment.