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Solo (Women) Traveler

I was thinking of taking a trip to Italy this summer (Yes last minute kind of thing), and I was wondering how safe it is for a women in her mid 20's, who speaks very very limited Italian to travel alone in Italy?

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1003 posts

I had just turned 25 when I went to Italy alone for 2 weeks. I felt very very very very safe. Yes, men might approach you, but they weren't scary and they understood no. I think if you know to expect that going in, it won't catch you off-guard so much.It is always good (polite) to learn a few words in the language, but I don't think having limited italian makes you any more or less unsafe. My Italian at the time was inordinately limited, but I got by fine with a few basic words and a phrasebook. I stuck to city centers (especially in Rome), and I wasn't ever out much past 10pm just b/c I'm not really a night person anyway, but I felt incredibly safe. Also remember that it is busy in Italy in the summer, so there are always people around. Your biggest risk is pickpocketing, which is a risk everyone traveling alone or in groups of 100 face the same way. Read up on this site and in Rick's books how to help prevent that. But yeah, I think Italy is extremely safe for a single woman in her 20s. Of course, you should be careful and pay attention to what's around you and all of that common sense stuff. And I would probably not recommend staying in hostels, but that's my personal preference. You can get single rooms in small hotels and B&Bs for very reasonable prices, but you should really finalize an itinerary and start booking now as summer is busy.I can't comment on Southern Italy since I only went to Venice, Florence, and Rome and daytrips, but what I experienced was much safer than almost anywhere I've been in the US. Have a GREAT time!

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10 posts

Thank you. It's nice to hear from someone who has traveled Italy alone. This will be my first trip out of the USA, so I am a little apprehensive about the trip. I have read up on pickpockets and the scams they like to use.
I do have a working itinerary in my head and have started contacting hotels to see if they have any openings. I am trying to decide about hostels.
My other decision I have to make is should I go for 2 weeks or 3 weeks. I could probably even swing 4 weeks if I stayed in hostels.

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1003 posts

You're welcome! I had such a great time and loved being alone, so I'm glad to encourage other people my age to go. In fact I'm planning another trip to Italy this October. A friend will join me partway through, but for the first week I'm going to be on my own again! Don't feel apprehensive, just do your research and your planning and you'll be fine. It is up to you about hostels. Personally for me, growing up as an only child, certain things like having my own room and bathroom - especially on vacation - are important LOL. I really enjoyed staying at smaller B&B type places and that's what I've booked this time around. If you don't care as much, I know there are many hostels that have all-girl rooms and whatnot if that'd ease your security fears. Certainly, go as long as you can financially afford while still having a nice trip. And I'd encourage you to plan with the idea that you're going to go back someday! I made the decision to spend 4-5 days in each city as opposed to trying to fly through the whole country. I skipped lots of places that really interested me and I am hitting some of those this time around. That style of travel worked for me, but you should plan your itinerary how it will please you :)

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188 posts

If you can afford to go, absolutely do it! Just use good common sense. You will have a great time.

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10 posts

Thank you, I am going to Italy. I have my ticket!!! I am just trying to find places to stay now.

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272 posts

Hi Beth -
I agree with the others. go for it and no need to fear! I have done Italy alone twice! No problems and had a great time. I second what the others said about use common sense, do your research, etc. I think for me the concern wasn't safety as I never felt a hotel in a good location, used common sense, etc. but more of a concern of wanting to go out to experience some nightlife but not wanting to do that solo! Well, one day I was sitting outside a church, just taking a little break and started talking to this woman. Well, she was traveling solo too, from Sweden, was about my age and we decided to meet up later that night to go out to hear some live music and have drinks. It worked perfect! The other resource I have found helpful is Even if you aren't up to the full experience of crashing on a stranger's couch, you can use the site to meet locals. I have done that in Lisbon, Amsterdam, Rome and Nice. All were GREAT experiences. Met up with a local that would show me around, go out to eat, party a bit, etc. It was really cool.
Finally, want to add that I will be going solo to Italy again this August. If your dates happen to overlap....perhaps we can have a travel companion for a few days?? I will be in the Amalfi area from Aug 28 - Sept 5. PM me if you want to talk more and I am happy to answer questions/share tips from my experiences of traveling solo.

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10 posts

It would be wonderful if we could travel for a couple of days together. However I will be in Italy the end of June and first of July.

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23 posts

Your trip sounds great. A few years ago me and another friend (a woman also, both of us in our mid-30's travelled together and spent about 10 days in Italy. Another lodging option to consider is Pensiones, usually cheaper than Hotels, but not as communal as hostels. They are kind of like apts or houses that rent out rooms. Nothing like that here in the US, we found some great options in Rick's guides. Though there were some locations that hostels were the only affordable option, Venice and Verona (we were in Verona during the opera festival so it was very crowded).

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6 posts

just keep your wits about you and you will be fine, if strange men do start to talk to you just try to ignore them i know it seems really rude but if you encourage them they wont leave you alone.

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13 posts

Hi Beth,
As others here have said, it is perfectly safe to travel solo as a woman, use your common sense, etc.! I would like to urge you not to entirely forgo the hostel route. Sometimes it is better as a solo traveller (male OR female) to have all the other travelers around. In my experience, it was a lot of fun to meet others who are doing the same thing, and frankly, at the end of a day of struggling with the language, it was a bit of a relief to speak eagerly and enthusiastically of your day, in English! I remember fondly one particular hostel in Paris, where I had the time of my life socializing with many people from different places. It was so fabulous! Perhaps you could mix up your lodgings, a little hotel and a little hostel. Just don't do too much of it, because it takes more precious time than you think it will to pack up and move from place to place.
Have a Great Time!

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10 posts

Thank you for the advise. I am staying in a couple hostels and some hotels. At the moment I will be staying in 5 or 6 different places for the 3 weeks. Hopefully that doesn't end up being to much moving around.

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51 posts

I just returned last week from a ten day trip to Venice, Florence and Rome by myself (I am a 53 year old female). I felt confident because of the research I did beforehand, and always felt perfectly safe even at night. Although I had heard a lot about scams and pickpockets, I never encountered such. I encounter many more beggers in downtown Atlanta where I live and work every day than I did in Italy.