I would be interested in any advice/thoughts/recommendatoins on a solo Monday in Rome. In November I'll be arriving in Rome (flight will allegedly arrive ~7:30 am). The rest of my tour group (from the UK) won't arrive until 6pm. It looks like most museums are closed on Monday (except the Vatican Museum) so I was thinking I would spend the day there and keep that as my only plan since flights can be late, jet lag may knock me out, etc. If I do have additional time, not collapsing from jet lag, etc is there any other sites you recommend that day (the tour part will be ancient archaeological sites through Andante Travels).
I thought from the airport I would suck it up and pay a taxi to take me to the hotel who will hopefully be able to store my bag if my room isn't ready---I'm not big on schlepping my stuff solo through Rome with no idea where I am going after a long flight.