I've taken my family to four countries in Europe over the last 10 years, all also two weeks, and have a list of places/things to see and do that I didn't get to do on those trips. Last May I did my first solo trip to Europe, two weeks in Italy, flying into Milan (two nights) and out of Rome (five nights), with three nights each in Venice and Florence. That trip exceed my expectations and proved my friends right when they said "when you travel solo all decisions are unanimous". I want to go to the other countries as well, England, Scotland and France, each with its own list, but for some reason I seem to be drawn back to Italy and its countryside that I've never seen. Rick's guide book and DVD talks about staying at an Agritourismo in Tuscany and Umbria, so I wanted to ask if any of you have experience with one, and how would they feel accommodating a solo traveler for a few days. I have driven in Scotland and France and assume I'd have no problem in Italy. Any advice would be appreciated.