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Solo elderly woman traveller in Rome

I will be travelling solo to Rome in September and was looking for an apartment to rent for a week.Have travelled extensively all over the world with no problems. But friends who hear of this say "not in Rome"...its really not safe for an elderly woman on her own...better check into a hotel.But that will spoil the whole idea of this trip. What would you dear friends on Helpline recommend?

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11507 posts

Katie, I assume if you have travelled alot then you are smart and know all about pickpockets. In that case I think you will be fine. The young Italian guys will likely leave you alone,, so really it is the theives you must watch out for, but, if you wear a money belt you should be ok.

My stepmother( who is NOT elderly, but is about 60 ) travels to Rome to give talks and study etc, she has a doctrate in some obscure pre medival art specialty, and she often chooses to stay in convents. She is an athesist, so it is not about religion to her at all, but she says they are invariably clean, quiet , and cheap and provide simple meals sometimes.
If you are interested I could ask her which one she recommends, she does like to stay in central areas so she can attend all the museums daily. She is also fluent in Italian (and Latin for all that matters, LOL)so perhaps if one spoke no Italian a convent might be difficult. I do know they need to be booked ahead, and of course are only for women.

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31 posts

Seems there is a lot more mugging and bag snatching in Rome...but I guess that goes for all big cities. But the main concern is that when unpleasant elements of society find a lone woman in an apt ,there are greater chances of being mugged in your room. On second thought will just go ahead and do what my heart tells me to. So will look for an apt. in the city and avoid the more quieter areas. Thanks.

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440 posts

Katie, have a wonderful Roman holiday. Not quite elderly (unless I am knocked over by a bus and a report is in the media!!)I am 60 and have not had any qualms about solo travel in Rome or anywhere else. Off again next year at 61, thinking of an apartment in Trastavere this time. Enjoy la dolce vita.

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1127 posts

Violent crime in Rome in extremely rare. The worst that happens to travelers is they realize their wallet is gone when they go to reach for it. Make sure you stay in a good neighborhood and you will fine. Take the normal precautions as you would in any large city. Fear of crime is no reason to avoid Rome.

For a list of apartment rental reviews try SlowTrav:

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31 posts

Thanks all you wonderful people for your many replies in such a short time. And dear Pat, yes I would like to have the name of any convent near the centre of town, if your ma-in-law will oblige. I'm closer to 70 but quite active in all ways and travelled extensively in Europe when much younger. Thought I'd do one last trip to Italy...its such a beautiful country. Thanks again.

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15 posts

Hi Katie:

I am 54, and am going to Rome solo in May.
I've rented an apartment, and feel good about it.
The thing about an apartment is that you have more to go back to at the end of the day: ie: a TV and maybe some movies; a kitchen; a terrace if you are lucky; a washing machine.
I'm going to get up early every day, and get out the door; go all day, and by dusk I will be ready to go "home" to my apartment and chill out!
Have a look at; on their Italy board and on their Get-Together board; there you can find like-minded travellers to meet up with, for some contact while you are there.
I've met people from the SlowTrav board before, and it's great!
Lots of apartment reviews and recommendations there too.
(And why "one last trip to Rome"???!!!
You are still young!!
Have a great time!!!

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3580 posts

Go to Rome or any other place you please. The older I get the safer I feel in Europe. There is a respect for the "elderly" in Europe that we don't always find at home (in the USA). At 71 I no longer get unwanted attention from men. I'm smarter and more sensible than when I first started traveling. Now when I travel I limit the number of stairs I will climb; I travel with a light pack; I take "siestas" every afternoon, and I eat lightly but often. And when I am not traveling I'm keeping in physical condition so I can be ready for my next trip. I live in a community of seniors, and they all tell me to keep traveling as long as I can. I do without some things, like a new car, and use my funds for my travels.

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440 posts

Katie, this is the Aussie Pat, not the Canadian one, but I have stayed at Casa il Rosario in Rome. Not too far from the Trajan Market. Delightful. 1st floor terrace, 2nd floor garden with cirtus trees, flowers and places to sit, open roof top which has a clothes line!!! From the roof terrace, clear and pretty close views of the Colosseum, Vittorio Emmanuelle and S. M. Maggiore. Room with or without bathroom. It .is via Sant' Agata dei Goti, 10, Rome. It has an elevator. In the evening you can hear the nuns singing.

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11507 posts

Katie, this is Canadian Pat(how on earth did they let us register with same name, LOL) , my stm could not remember exact name, but said it was the Suore of Lebanese Francisin(I am sure that is spelt incorrectly)Convent. They do not have email though , she said you must apply in person as they accept guests only on meeting them(they only accept what they consider decent folks I guess).
She did mention another place called Casa Di Santa Brigida as being in a nice area.

I actually google" convents in Rome" and was surprised at the amount of them that accept guests,, my stm said to note whether they are private bathrooms, many do not offer that. She has managed to find some do though.

I think the hardest thing about Rome for someone who does not know it well is trying to figure out if something is in a good area by just looking at address. In Paris it is easy as neighborhoods are divided into sections called arrondissmonts which are numbered, so every address lists which " area"

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440 posts

Hi Canadian Pat. We Patricias are very special people. And we obviously love travelling and talking. ;-)

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440 posts

June and Anne Walsh published a booked called 'Bed and Blessings Italy' in 1999. Sadly out of print now, but you might find one via a used book store. It has HEAPS of convent accommodations in Italy. Details on one page, location map on the other. I have a copy if you want help. The prices are of course, rather out of date, being in lire.

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9062 posts

I'm 56 and travel solo everywhere. LOVE apartments when I travel as it makes me feel like I am going "home" when my days exploration is complete. That said and because of some of the posts, here are some convent suggestions, culled from friends and family.

Not a convent but recommended by another solo female traveler.

Lastly, the apartment I stayed in 2 years ago was in the Old Jewish Ghetto. Just across the river from Traverste. Found it on LOVED it!

Have a wonderful trip. Rome is unforgettable.

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11507 posts

I did see the term " chatty Patty " written on my report card once years ago,, back in the dark ages when teachers were allowed to embarrass kids with nicknames,,LOL
I prefer the terms " gregarious and socail" LOL

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31 posts

Gosh...all you young 60 and 70 year olds. Thanks you have all walked into my heart...can I offer you a home in India on one of your more exotic trips. Am a member of Hospitality club and normally take in older solo women travellers and we have a grand time together. I have found some lovely apts for rent in both Rome and Venice...with flowers and plants all around. Nowadays I travel to S E Asia as its closer to home and much much cheaper. And the elderly are truely respected here.And finally..Any suggestions of where else to go in Italy for 3/4 days besides these two cities?

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440 posts

Personally I have Sicily and Puglia in my heart, but for a few days Katie, perhaps Perugia. Or Sorrento? I have so enjoyed the comments from you, and those which you generated from others. Such lovely people. Have an absolute ball, and keep travelling.