I'm planning a 90 day trip to Italy and am very much in the early planning stages. I'm looking for suggestions on small out-of-the-way beautiful and charming places to base myself as I move around the country. I don't drive, so will need to access anywhere I go by train/bus. Whenever I see a beautiful place I also see "but you need a car" comments. I understand that during a regular 2-3 week holiday, time is money and not everywhere in Italy is ideal for such a short visit without a vehicle.
For a bit of reference, I often visit my parents who live approximately 40 minutes drive from me. But without a vehicle, I happily take a 3 hour return trip by transit without complaint. I like transit, looking out the window while listening to my favourite podcast. Public transit is just part of my life.
So, given that I won't have access to a vehicle - but will have the time to fuss about with longer / more awkward connections - I am keen to hear what suggestions people have for me. If you were in my position, where would you go? And how much time would you set aside to truly do your suggestion justice?
Thanks in advance!