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Small gifts for the Italians

I usually pack a bunch of airplane bottles of Virginia Gentlemen bourbon to hand out as gifts to people that have been especially helpful on my European vacations. Last time, however, some broke in my bag on the way over, and I was also thinking that very few Europeans even know what bourbon is. Is there anything else that you all can think of that would be a nice (and reasonably priced) thing to take with me from the states to give out? Thanks!

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10344 posts

Okay, Nancy, first we have to ask (inquiring minds want to know)--how was it to reak of bourbon on your flight over? Tell us more about that, then we'll answer your question.:)

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11 posts

They were in my checked luggage so you can guess how all my clothes smelled! Good thing I wasn't driving on that trip!

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1455 posts

Is there something that is specialized in Richmond?

Or instead of bourbon, perhaps food items made of bourbon, like candies? Not chocolate (as it can melt) but like a toffee or something like that?

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10344 posts

Nancy: Thanks for following up with more details about what happened when the bottles of bourbon broke in your checked baggage.Your reward for sharing those intoxicating details is:Here's the Helpline Insider Secret Tip of the Day on how to find all of the answers that have ever been posted on the Helpline relating to your question,Your question is a perfect candidate for this search method, because although there have been many discussions here in the last few years about what kind of gifts to bring to European hosts, given the relatively small number of Regular Helpline Repliers that will read your current question, in the next day or two, you're not going to get nearly as many replies and discussions as you can find using this method: Go here the instructions in the original postand just add appropriate search words and try themIn 5 minutes with Google Advanced Search, if you follow my handy dandy instructions, I'll bet you find all of the many discussions had here in the past relating to gifts for Europeans.