On one of Rick's older shows he visits a hole-in-the-wall eatery called Filleti di Baccala, near Campo de Fiori - specialty of deep fried pieces of cod.. Apparently it's still there, based on TripAdvisor reviews, but as I tried to find the place using their map, then Google Maps, a listing comes up called Dar Filettaro.., but Street View still shows a small door with the Filleti di Baccala sign on top. Are these two somehow related/co-owned? (puzzled expression)
It's the same thing.
Filettaro, in Roman dialect, means someone who sells or prepares filets. Filetti di baccala means cod filets. So it's like a place called "the greengrocer" who puts up a sign at the entrance saying: "produce" or "fruits and vegetables"..
Roberto, you have so much advice on this forum and on so many topics, I don't even want to think of the number of hours you put in here.. ;)
The place you are looking for is now on via Arenula, between Largo Argentina and the Lungotevere. Used to be on a small piazza across the street, but it moved a few years ago.
I ate there last June. It's only open for dinner - 7 pm or later. It's not easy to find. Use tripadvisor or a map and address. It's on a short, dead-end side street. It's located off a street that connects between Campo dei Fiori and Arenula St. Arenula St. runs alongside Largo Argentina. Try Via d. Giubbonari. We stumbled upon it. If you can find it, we learned that the beer pairs better with the cod fillets than the wine. Good Luck finding it. If you can't - cod fillets taste just as good in the USA at a good pub or seafood place.
Every time I passed the location that barbnrob mention, it was closed. So perhaps there are two in the same general area.
Google Maps does find it under the name Filetti di Baccala at Largo dei Librari 88 (same address in Rick's guidebook). This very short side street is off of Via d. Giubbonari (as mentioned above). The book says it's open Mon-Sat, 17:00-23:00, cash only.
As for why Google Maps has two listings, I'm guessing that they've just received conflicting input from users, while the business owners have not themselves given Google any details.
Dar Filettaro (The Fillet cook) di Santa Barbara is on Largo de Librari 88, a piazzetta perpendicular to via de Giubbonari.
The shop sign says 'Filetti di Baccala'" (codfish fillets)
You can see it here:
No idea if it's still open.