Going to Rome, Puglia and Naples from late August to mid September. I'm trying to pack light. Should I skip the jeans? I'm having a hard time letting go of the idea of packing a pair, although I think it may be too hot. I'd like to be somewhat stylish. Thoughts or advice?
A quick look at the existing topics will show you that this is already being discussed.
Skip the jeans.
I'm in Italy now- not a pair of jeans in sight anywhere! Mind you, it is in the mid 90's.
Maybe if you really can't bear to leave them at home you could travel in them.
Take your jeans. You'll regret it if you don't.
Why would you regret it? Pack light and too hot is a good argument for dropping all cotton clothing - be jeans or shirts. All cotton, particularly jeans, can be heavy, hot, and difficult to maintain. We find the synthetic blends to be much easy to wear and care for. My wife has a pair of a jean style black pant from Old Navy (?) that is only 30% cotton and is much lighter and easier to hand wash which you must do if packing light.
If you normally wear jeans, it won't hurt to take a pair. I usually wear a pair on the plane. You will probably be most comfortable with lighter weight clothing during that time if year.
If you are trying to pack light, jeans are not light nor do they dry quickly nor would you be wearing them in temperatures of 90s. I quit worrying about being somewhat stylish when I started going to Europe every summer 12 years ago. I take light weight pants (3 pairs) that can be "sink washed" and be dry in the morning. Same goes for shirts and under ware.
You are going to Southern Italy during a time when temperatures will be in the 30 to 40 degrees centigrade and also somewhat muggy. I honestly don't know how you can even think of wearing blue jeans in that type of weather. When I go to Italy in summer (that is every single year) I carry only shorts and one pair or two of very light weight pants (which I get to wear only occasionally at night if I have to go somewhere where less informal attire is appropriate). In your shoes (actually in your sandals since it will be too hot for shoes) I would stick to light dresses and maybe one pair of light weight pants. Leave your jeans home.
Just to be contrary, I wear my jeans until the temps get to be somewhere around 95 or 100. I find myself chilly in shorts or a skirt in the 80's. What is too hot for jeans for you? My sister can't wear jeans much past 78 degrees. I have to be in direct sunlight for a long amount of time to switch from jeans to light pants or shorts. If I am in the shade but it's in the 80's, no way I can wear anything but jeans. If I am dealing with AC? Forget about it. Jeans and a sweater.
I agree it may be too hot. And if it's somehow not hot or you miss them, then you can have the fun of shopping for European jeans. I usually take jeans but I'd consider not doing so for a very hot destination.
I have started to wear my jeans on the plane so I have them in Italy. That being said, it's HOT in Aug and Sept in Italy. You can bring some jeans, but plan to wear them after the sun goes down. You will most likely have a day or two that are cooler and you can wear them, perhaps rolled up a bit. I LOVE my jeans and travel all the time now with a pair. I used to wear yoga pants on the plane, but found I never put them back on, waste of space. When I wear my jeans on the plane, I wear them in country as well. Consider taking a skirt with you, it's cooler, lighter weight and stylish. I've taken a maxi skirt the last few trips and found I like wearing it out for dinner, and for touring the city during the day.
I think that your itenary might dictate what you wear. When I've been in Rome, I've spent most of my time in museums, churches, the Vatican, etc. I would feel underdressed if I wore jeans to those types of places. I feel more comfortable and presentable if I wear a pair of light weight slacks. I'd rather be slightly overdressed than underdressed but each person needs to consider their own level of comfort concerning their choice of clothing.
Since your trip seems to be about 2-3 weeks, I'd skip the jeans - just too hard to wash and take too long to dry, plus the other disadvantages already noted. For stylish, coordinated light-weight clothes and a couple of accent scarves.
My wife bought some light weight cotton/nylon jean type pants from Tilley. They were wonderful. She even washed them out by hand in the sink a couple of times. I stomped around on them wrapped in a towel to help get the water out. We managed to hang them up. They were dry the next morning! They have become her favorite pants at home too. They were expensive but worth it. I packed a pair of jeans this year since we were going to the cooler climate of England. I had bought 2 pair of Tilley pants. The jeans came out of the suitcase the very last night because they were clean. I'll never take jeans again.
In Italy in the summer, I wear cargo shorts and light weight pants. It was hotter in Rome in July than it was in Dallas when we left, and that is hot.