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Single day car rentals in Florence?

Does Florence have anything similar to ZipCar in the US? We'd like to rent a car for a single day (pick up in the morning, return in the evening), and the standard car rental locations are around $200.
Alternate suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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16401 posts

We found Hertz to be cost-effective and doable for short-term rentals in Italy. I just checked there and a one-day rental for a Ford Focus "or similar" is around 82 euro, including taxes and mandatory insurance. The in-town pick-up locations seem to open at 8:30 am and close around 6, so you'd probably be returning the key to a drop box.

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16401 posts

I'm assuming they would be using the car for touring the countryside outside Florence for the day. They should confirm the pick-up location and make sure it is OUTSIDE the ZTL so they don't have any problems with that.

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3551 posts

You can take a train or bus to Tuscany easily from Florence main station. I have done it and recom it highly. low cost and frequent.