Torre del Mangia, probably. I didn't get the tourist crunch but it was October and I went in the morning within an hour of opening. The light is better then on the Campo anyway. From here, you get a view of the Campo, the countryside, lots of the city roofs, and you can see the Cathedral (the back of it anyway) and San Domenico. From the Facciatone, you get a nice view of the side of the cathedral, countryside, and the Torre, but not so much campo that I remember. The nice thing about this is that they have a limit on the number of people so no big crowds, but I don't remember if they had reservations since I got there and waited in line until they were ready to take another group up.
The other option (because it's not enough for people to live in a hill town, they also have to build tall things with lots of stairs) is the Opa Si pass for the Duomo and include the Porta del Cielo. It's in the cathedral itself and goes up to a balcony where you get a view across to the Facciatone. You also have a view of the cathedral floor, close up of the dome interior, and a little of the construction since you're "behind the scenes".
But for the best general views, the Torre. Then go get lunch and have a picnic on the Campo with everyone else.